Wendy Hughes tells me there are a few places left for her Journalists and Non-Fiction Writers' Course on Tuesday 27 April 11.00 TO 16.00 - the venue is The Writers' House, 13 Haydon Street, London EC3N 1DB (nearest tube: Tower Hill)
These special days are fun; also important, particularly for beginners as well as more experienced non-fiction writers. A factfile on interviewing and pitching a non-fiction book proposal will be handed out on the day. In this workshop Wendy will cover :
Interviewing for journalists and non-fiction writers – whether you are writing a newspaper item, an article, or researching for a non-fiction book, writers need interviewing skills. This session will include setting up the interview, pre-planning, interviewing techniques, questions to ask, problems you may encounter, writing it up, selling your piece or idea for a book.
Saleable knowledge probe – looking for ideas? Session on finding ideas within your personal knowledge bank - hobbies, special interests, occupational knowledge, life experiences, etc
Pitching a non-fiction book proposal.
Sharing work in Progress – for the session to work delegates are requested bring along to the workshop, either a completed article, idea for a piece of non-fiction or the outline for an idea for a book. During this session Wendy will offer constructive criticism and markets where possible.
Wendy’s Forum –There will also be time for a general discussion and what subjects you would like covered in future workshops or if you would like to visit places such as The British Library newspaper collections, non-fiction publishers, etc, if these could be arranged. Cost of the day is £18.50 per person. Information can be obtained from Wendy email: wendy@stickler.org.uk