Isn't it always the way when you are writing a book? Often folk promise to provide photos and information, invariably, the material arrives too late for your publishers' deadline date! At a book signing recently, this unusual image was sent tome by a very kind former resident living in Heathway, Dagenham. It is an image of the Methodist church which played such a communal part in many of our young lives. I would have loved to have included it in my book BARKING & DAGENHAM FROM OLD PHOTOGRAPHS - Amberley Publishing Ltd - Stroud.
Everything revolved around this building - Brownies, Guides, Girls' Life Brigade, and of course, the equivalent for boys. Concerts, parties, recitals and film afternoons showing Flash Gordon and, Sunday church services, of course. How could such an enormous building with spacious grounds to the rear be destroyed? Progress, I suppose and profit!
Here we have an artist's impression of when the Central Hall was first built in 1925 and which is included in my book, alongside a few hundred other photographs of many places in this area.
Many thanks to those former residents who have sent such lovely emails which, in themselves have brought back such poignant memories.
Currently working on a new project linked to Brentwood in Essex. Have some wonderful images already, but who knows what's out there!
If interested, do make contact (in good time please)
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