Most of my adult friends and colleagues can read fluently. For many people, reading is not merely a pleasure, it can become an obsession. Where would most journalists be without the love and interest in the written word? But when did we start learning to read? By what method and can we remember how we developed our skill in this all-important ability in being able to read and absorb anything? Some colleagues read in their own and in several other languages too – now that is impressive!
Learning to read is often considered a chore by children, and experts agree it is not achieved quickly. So how do we teach children to read without putting them off books and reading in general? It is an age-old problem.
My Society of Women Writers & Journalists’ colleague, author Susan Elkin has tackled the subject in her excellent new book (her 25th) entitled UNLOCKING THE READER IN EVERY CHILD. Susan is an education journalist, former secondary school English teacher, freelance journalist, and lecturer and has worked for many years in promoting and developing pupils’ reading at all levels. Her book is essential for teachers, special needs co-ordinators and all those who support children in schools.
UNLOCKING THE READER IN EVERY CHILD is published by Ransom Publishing Limited ISBN 978 184167 970 9 Price £19.99
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