As a break from writing your masterpiece, why not take time out and enter a few writing competitions? They abound, in consumer magazines, specialist writing journals, daily newspapers and on the web. One of my favourite websites created especially for writers of all levels is www.WritersReign whose Editor Mervyn Love is always one step ahead in providing some fascinatingly title-themed competitions.
His newest is the WritersReign Short Story Competition 2010 and its theme "A NEW DAY" will appeal to your imagination. Prizes: 1st - £80.00; 2nd - £40.00; 3rd - £25.00 plus 3 Highly Commended - £10.00. Entry Fee: £3.00 per entry (3GBP)
Visit Mervyn's website to download an entry form and to learn how to pay the £3 entry fee via PayPal or contact him directly. He requires stories between 1,000 and 1,500 words. Weave your story around the theme of A NEW DAY but don’t use the title as the actual title of your story. Create your own!Closing date: 28 February 2010. Winning entries will be announced on or before 30th April 2010 and will be published on as soon as possible after this date. If you are submitting your entry by email download in RTF format:
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